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PTCL Group achieves double-digit revenue growth of 25.8 percent

PTCL Group, Pakistan’s lead­ing telecom and ICT services provider, has achieved a dou­ble-digit revenue growth of 25.8% during the financial year 2023. PTCL Group has maintained its strong perfor­mance, strengthening its sta­tus as Pakistan’s top integrat­ed telecom service provider. PTCL posted 15.4% growth in its revenues, owing to its strong performance in both retail and business segments, whereas Ufone achieved 25.6% growth in its revenues. The Group’s subsidiary, U Mi­crofinance Bank, kept a strong momentum and posted 76.5% revenue growth during 2023. The company announced its annual financial results for the year 2023 at its Board of Di­rectors’ meeting held in Islam­abad on February 13, 2024.


PTCL Group’s revenue has increased by 25.8% YoY to Rs190.6billion, mainly driven by strong performance in the consumer segment led by fixed broadband, mobile data, and wholesale & business solu­tions, along with microfinance services. The Group’s profit­ability was, among other fac­tors, particularly affected by significant rupee devaluation and high interest rates during the year. The Group has posted a net loss of Rs 14.1 billion.

The biggest highlight for PTCL during 2023 has been the signing of a Share Pur­chase Agreement with Telenor Pakistan B.V. (Telenor) to ac­quire a 100% stake in Telenor Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd (Telenor Pakistan) based on an Enter­prise Value of PKR 108 billion on a cash-free, debt-free basis.


PTCL continued its strong performance throughout 2023. PTCL posted revenue of Rs 96.3 billion for the year 2023 which is 15.4% higher than last year, mainly driven by growth in broadband and wholesale & business solu­tions segments. Flash Fiber, PTCL’s premium Fiber-To-The-Home (FTTH) service, showed tremendous growth with highest Netaddsshare within FTTH market in 2023. The company reported net profit of Rs 9.4billion, highest since 2013,which is 3.7% higher as compared to last year.


PTCL fixed broadband busi­ness has shown 17.4% YoY growth propelled by the ag­gressive FTTH expansion. Flash Fiber showed unprece­dented growth of 106.8%, tak­ing lion’s share of the market’s net adds, whereas PTCL IPTV segment also grew by 2.5% YoY. Business Services

The business services seg­ment continued its momentum sustaining market leadership in IP Bandwidth, Cloud, Data Center, and other ICT services segments. PTCL’s Enterprise business grew by 25.7% as compared to last year, while Carrier and Wholesale business continued its growth momen­tum and achieved 21.9% overall revenue growth. International voice revenue has increased by 17.9% as compared to last year. Overall Business Solutions rev­enue has grown by21.9% on a year-on-year basis.


In 2023, Ufone 4G emerged as the standout performer in the telecom industry, re­porting exceptional revenue growth of 25.6%, surpassing all other operators. Ufone 4G posted the highest 4G net adds in the industry.


Ubank, microfinance and branchless banking subsidiary of PTCL, continued its growth trajectory and has achieved a remarkable 76.5% growth in revenue over the correspond­ing period of last year, while maintaining a strong balance sheet position as the bank continued to diversify its asset classes and funding streams while ensuring positive bot­tom-line impact.


Throughout 2023, PTCL Group engaged in a variety of Corporate Social Responsibil­ity (CSR) activities, showcas­ing a commitment to making a positive impact on society.
