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Telecom Argentina boosts Agtech sector

Telecom Argentina has announced plans to expand infrastructure and digital services in the Pergamino and Rojas districts of Buenos Aires Province, aiming to propel the Agtech ecosystem through the deployment of new sites. With a targeted coverage plan spanning over 500,000 hectares, Telecom Argentina aims to significantly enhance connectivity in one of the nation's most productive agricultural regions within the next 12 months.

Strengthening Rural Connectivity

Telecom Argentina said this initiative involves the deployment of seven new mobile sites with 4G technology and IoT (Internet of Things) networks to strengthen connectivity in key rural regions for agricultural production. The first cluster of this development will create continuous coverage in the Pergamino and Rojas districts (Buenos Aires province), covering an area of more than 500,000 hectares.

Strategic Partnerships

The company said this infrastructure upgrade, coupled with strategic partnerships with key stakeholders in the agro-industrial sector, including machinery manufacturers and input suppliers, is expected to promote the technological development of Argentine agriculture.

Bridging the Digital Divide

According to the official release, with the installation of seven additional sites to the current capacity, Telecom aims to bridge the digital divide in rural areas, reaching 97 percent coverage in the targeted regions and benefiting over 134,000 residents. The installation of the first 4G site will begin in the coming weeks, and the company will also add exclusive Low Power (Low Power) networks for the Internet of Things (IoT), allowing users and devices to access the best connectivity on the 4G network.

Promoting Sustainable Development

Beyond improving connectivity, the initiative is expected to address social, economic, and environmental challenges in more than 21 locations by fostering innovation, increasing productivity, and reducing the carbon footprint. With its Personal and Flow brands, Telecom Argentina serves over 30 million customers.
