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Vietnam surpasses high-income countries in 4G coverage as it aims for comprehensive digital transformation

Although it is a low-middle income country, Vietnam has higher 4G coverage than high-income developed countries. According to data from the Ministry of Information and Communications, currently 4G coverage in Vietnam is 99.8%, higher than high-income developed countries at only 99.4%.

This is an effort of the information and communications industry in the process of popularizing telecommunications infrastructure, especially wave and computer programs for children to ensure online learning and working. This rate was previously 97%, with 5G testing deployed in 59 provinces and cities. Telecommunications and digital infrastructure in the past year have made strong changes, gradually meeting the role of important economic and technical infrastructure of digital government, digital economy, and digital society.

In addition, Vietnam's ratio of smartphone users/total number of mobile phone users continues to increase to 84.4% (higher than the world average of 63%). Currently, the information and communication industry is aiming for the goal of 100% of users having smartphones by the end of 2024.

In particular, fiber optic cable coverage to each household is nearly 80% compared to the world average of about 60%. This result aims to achieve the goal of comprehensive digital transformation for all people, leaving no one behind in the digital transformation process. In addition, Vietnam has deployed 5G testing in 59 provinces and cities.

Data costs in Vietnam are maintained at a low level, only half the world average. According to data collected from 3,703 fixed network service providers in 219 countries and territories, Vietnam ranked 4th in Asia, 12th in the world and number 1. In Southeast Asia alone, the cheapest internet rates are calculated. On average, users in Vietnam will have to spend 10.99 USD (equivalent to 260,000 VND) for one month of internet use.

Vietnam is also one of the countries with the lowest yearly fluctuations in freight rates in the world, when the average freight price in 2023 only increases by about 0.18 USD (equivalent to 4,000 VND) compared to 2022. Thanks to that, all people have the opportunity to use the internet and access digital space

The goal is that by 2025, Vietnam will be in the group of 50 leading countries according to the information and communication technology development index (IDI) of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). Commercialization of 5G (commercial pilot deployed nationwide from 2021). 100% of the adult population has a smartphone.

At the same time, 100% of households have access to fiber optic cable when needed, of which 90% of people can access Internet with an average speed of 200 Mbit/s. Minimum average download speed is 40 Mbit/s for 4G networks and 100 Mbit/s for 5G networks.
