The content catalogue of a combined Disney+ and Hulu Video on Demand (VoD) service would second only to Amazon Prime Video and ahead of Netflix, according to Ampere Analysis.
The combination of the two services would have one-third of the 100 most-popular titles in the United States.Combined the Disney+/Hulu app will offer 9000 distinct movies and TV seasons, Ampere’s latest title-level analysis of the content offer suggests – even if the approximately 300 Comcast-owned titles are removed from the service. This would position Disney+ and Hulu’s total content offering behind only Amazon Prime Video’s 10,892 titles and ahead of Netflix’s 8391 (as of Q3 2023).
Joshua Rustage, Analyst at Ampere Analysis says: “With a combined app offering Disney+ and Hulu due to launch in the US in early 2024, its compelling new streaming content offer will surely shake up the status quo. The combined Disney+ and Hulu catalogue will provide one of the most well-rounded and popular offerings in a single platform, upping the content stakes at a time when many are pulling back on content investment. Rivals will have to ensure their offerings remain competitive as the battle for viewing time intensifies, especially as the need to pull in advertising dollars is now also central to the streaming mix.”
Disney+ held 17 of the top 100 performing SVOD titles in the United States in Q3 2023, led by its movie library. When combined with Hulu, that figure jumps to 33, giving the joint entity the largest overall share of top titles. In comparison, Netflix has 29 titles and Max 18.
In November, Disney announced that it will acquire the 33% stake in the streaming service Hulu held by Comcast Corp.’s NBC Universal (NBCU), following Comcast’s November 1 exercise of its right under the put/call arrangement between the two companies.