Plex, which acts as a destination for personal and purchased media, is venturing into social media.
Its giving users the ability to search for friends on its Discover platform that is designed to unify subscription services, watchlists, and recommendations.
“Really good discovery has to have a social component, and we believe it needs to be integrated directly into the streaming experience to be useful,” said Keith Valory, Plex CEO. “Viewers are more likely to watch recommendations from people they know and trust, and to integrate that into the viewing experience is surprisingly something that has not been done before. At Plex, we are focused on bringing viewers the simplest, most efficient, and most enjoyable way to discover great new content they’ll love. Discover Together is a huge milestone for us in this quest, but it will only get better and better from here.”
Discover Together is being introduced on all of the major Plex platforms including Roku, Apple TV, Android TV, Amazon Fire TV, iOS and Android mobile devices, smart TVs, game consoles, and the web app.
The feature makes public an individual’s streaming stats, broken down by movies, shows and episodes. It’s possible to control who can see what within a profile including the Watch List, Watch History and friend’s list itself.
It’s also possible to select a movie or series and find out which of your friends have seen it, and more importantly whether they think the title is worth watching.