Indian telco Bharti Airtel has launched a Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS) solution that offers enterprises a unified omnichannel cloud platform to serve their contact centre needs.
Numerous analyst reports indicate there’s growing interest among enterprises in CCaaS, which is essentially cloud-hosted contact-centre software that routes inbound customer interactions to call center agents. That includes not only voice calls, but also channels like SMS, chat apps and social media. The appeal is similar to other XaaS offerings – enterprises pay only for the contact-centre functionalities they need and don’t need in-house IT staff to run it.
However, says Airtel, enterprises still have to source voice, cloud and software for contact centres separately from multiple vendors, which means investing in more capex and man-hours.
Airtel’s CCaaS platform aims to simplify all that with a one-stop alternative that combines voice-as-a-service (VaaS), cloud hosting and contact centre software from several CCaaS vendors, including Genesys.
Airtel CCaaS – which is available via the Airtel IQ platform – offers seamless call handling for both inbound and outbound calls, call routing, call queuing, conference calling, call redirecting and cloud monitoring accessible across all office locations around the clock.
The platform will enable enterprises to get started on contact center solutions instantly and cheaply, said Abhishek Biswal, head of Digital Products & Services at Airtel Business.
“The lack of a unified platform for contact centre solutioning has been an industry issue,” he said in a statement. “Our innovative CCaaS offering combines the best of voice, cloud and software to simplify contact centre management at an affordable cost.”
Airtel says that its CCaaS platform also saves enterprises additional capex and opex by eliminating the problem of longer wait time during troubleshooting requirements, which also limits easy scaling to other locations.