malomatia, the leading digital enabler and cybersecurity provider in Qatar, has announced the launch of its cybersecurity awareness campaign, titled "Your Cybersecurity, Our Nation’s Security."
This campaign aligns with the global recognition of October as Cybersecurity Month and underscores malomatia's unwavering commitment to advancing cybersecurity in Qatar, a statement said.
The "Your Cybersecurity, Our Nation’s Security!" campaign seeks to raise awareness and advocate proactive measures to enhance cybersecurity across the nation. The core mission is to unite all stakeholders in the shared objective of ensuring a secure and thriving future for every citizen.
Throughout October, malomatia will host a series of activities and share cybersecurity tips via its social media channels. These tips are designed to empower individuals with cybersecurity best practices, enhancing their overall cybersecurity posture.
"malomatia invites everyone in Qatar to follow the campaign, engage with the informative tips, and play their part in collectively building a more secure nation," the statement said.
malomatia offers cutting-edge solutions in areas such as cybersecurity, cloud services, IoT, AI, managed services and contact centre solutions, the statement added.