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Subtel to monitor shutdown process as Entel prepares for 2G wind up

Chilean industry watchdog the Department of Telecommunications (Subsecretaria de Telecomunicaciones, Subtel) has announced that it will monitor the shutdown of 2G networks to ensure that users are not left without service. Subtel notes that 2G was the dominant mobile platform in Chile until mid-2012 when it was overtaken by 3G connections and now, with the arrival of 5G systems the technology has been relegated to a ‘minority position’: according to the regulator’s data there were just over 203,000 devices connected to 2G networks at the end of March 2023. In addition to its diminishing use, 2G networks are less efficient than subsequent generations, requiring more energy to deliver more limited services. As such, the closure of obsolete networks is necessary to free up resources for investment in newer technologies. To guarantee that customers are not left without service by the shutdowns, however, Subtel requests that cellcos submit detailed plans for their 2G network shutdowns. These should include details of how the process will be carried out and any measures the cellco will take to mitigate the impact on users.

The move was prompted by the announcement earlier this month that Entel will gradually shut down its 2G network starting from H2 2024, although it will cease marketing services over the 2G network from August this year. The cellco stressed that it would be ‘gradual and planned process’ to minimise connectivity problems for customers. Entel has also designed a support plan aimed at users that may be affected by the closure whilst, separately, it has also planned a special collection plan for old 2G devices that will form part of its recycling programme. The 2G network will be maintained in around 100 locations where it is the only technology available; these sites will be shut down only once 4G or 5G coverage is available to replace them.
