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Entel to focus the development of its network on 4G and 5G technologies

The technological update of mobile networks is a global trend in the telecommunications industry. In moving towards a world that is increasingly connected, with technologies that evolve at a dizzying rate, it is essential that networks accompany this process in order to satisfy the growing demand for services that require intensive use of data.

For this reason, Entel decided to focus the development of infrastructure with 4G and 5G technologies, and gradually shut down its 2G network starting in mid-2024. As has already happened in the United States and various countries in Europe and Asia, The measure will make it possible to make more efficient and effective use of the spectrum, improve the browsing experience for customers, advance in inclusive digitization, and make energy consumption more efficient.

In fact, according to Francisca Florenzano, Entel's Sustainability and Communications Manager, "renovating the technological infrastructure is one of the fundamental enablers of the Chile 2035 Digital Strategy, and our country goal of Carbon Neutrality by 2050."

Regarding the eventual impact of this initiative, Florenzano stressed that “it will be a gradual and planned process, which will allow us to minimize any connectivity problem and advance in the process of updating our network throughout the country. In addition, we have designed a communication and support plan specifically aimed at those users who could be affected by this measure, in order to facilitate this transition and ensure that it is carried out with the least possible impact for everyone”.

On the other hand, he highlighted the environmental benefit of the initiative, since old technologies are less efficient in energy terms. Additionally, a special plan for the collection of old 2G cell phones has been established, which will be treated as part of the company's recycling programs.

In addition, with the aim of guaranteeing a responsible transition, from August of this year the company will stop marketing new services over the 2G network.

Lastly, as reported, there will be close to 100 locations throughout Chile where this network will remain on, since it is the only technology currently available in that area. In these locations, the final shutdown of the 2G network will not take place until a 4G or 5G network is available to replace it.

More important information on this measure is available at .
