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Arab Advisors Group Releases an Analytical Report on MENA’s 5G Status

Arab Advisors Group released a new comprehensive analytical telecommunication report. The report focuses on countries across MENA with and without launched 5G services. Arab Advisors Group shed the light on 5G network expansions and coverages, as well as disclosed 5G-related indicators. As for countries without 5G launches, the report further examined the role of governmental bodies in facilitating successful 5G launches in the Middle East and North Africa, and 5G trials among telcos in preparation towards their launches.

5G technology promises to bring a massive enhancement for businesses and people, with a significant paradigm shift in communications and technology. However, the 5G promise is yet to be delivered.

Governmental bodies play vital roles in facilitating and catalyzing successful 5G launches - setting clear 5G roadmaps and strategies, and publicly disclosing adequate and timely indicators to name a few. Roadmaps and strategies present governments’ expectations for digitized and well-developed ICT sectors, and highlight telecom operators’ part in supporting their governments’ visions. The advancement of any ecosystem is also strongly tied to publicly disclosed key performance indicators (“KPIs”). Sources of similar indicators vary across the telecom industry; nevertheless, the most credible and expected source of indicators is governmental bodies.

Governmental bodies are not the sole contributors towards successful 5G launches. Telecom operators play imperative part in pushing towards 5G launches through network upgrades, expansions, and 5G trials. In alignment with its summit launch, Arab Advisors Group released a new analytical report which tackles prerequisite measures by telecom operators and regulators to ensure successful 5G network launches across the MENA region. Arab Advisors Group further discusses 5G network coverages for MENA-based telecom operators, highlighting a wide range of achievements in the GCC. Lastly, we present 5G-related KPIs released by telecom regulators and operators in the Gulf.

As part of its continuous reliable primary research-based analysis, Arab Advisors Group released this report which answers the following questions:

● How are MENA governmental bodies catalyzing smooth and successful 5G launches?

● Do MENA’s telecom markets have adequate and timely disclosed 5G-related indicators?

● What preparation measures are telecom operators in the Arab World taking towards their 5G launches?

● How intense are 5G trials in Arab countries without commercial 5G services?

● How did the GCC’s 5G markets differ during a span of 4 years in terms of coverages and expansions?

“According to our findings, about 30% of the telecom operators in Arab countries without commercial 5G services announced 5G trials. The intensity of these trials is considered low, with Tunisia being the only country with sufficient 5G trial announcements between June 2019 and February 2023.” Ms. Hiba Rabadi, Arab Advisors Group’s Deputy General Manager noted. “The lack of announcements may not indicate a lack of trials but rather a lack of public disclosure. Overall, the modest number of trials and their low intensity suggest that more work is needed for operators to select suitable solutions and understand network behavior in real-life situations.” Added Rabadi.

“One noticeable advancement in the GCC’s 5G networks is the transition towards standalone 5G (“5G SA”). A few telecom operators across Kuwait, KSA, and the UAE announced transitioning from non-standalone 5G networks to 5G SA ones, while others announced testing their 5G SA networks.” noted Rabadi.

Arab Advisors Group will be releasing a new report series with a focus on each GCC country. The series will overview 5G services on an operator level, frequency bands utilized, and collaborations with telecom vendors to launch 5G. Additionally, Arab Advisors Group will examine 5G monetization by telecom operators, alongside disclosed benefits of 5G. Lastly, the series will shed the light on governmental support in each country towards successful launches.

Arab Advisors Group published four individual reports pertaining to each region (The GCC and Yemen, The Maghreb, The Levant, and Egypt and Sudan) with separate data sheets detailing all OTT offerings per region.

Please contact Arab Advisors Group for more details or to get a copy of the reports’ Table of Contents.

The reports were released to Arab Advisors Group’s subscribers and can be purchased for a fee of US$ 7,000.

Arab Advisors Group’s team of analysts in the region produced over 5,800 reports on the Arab World’s communications, media and financial markets. The reports can be purchased individually or received through an annual subscription to Arab Advisors Group’s ( Strategic Research Services (Media and Telecom).

To date, Arab Advisors Group serves over 965 global and regional companies by providing reliable research analysis and forecasts of Arab communications markets to these clients. Some of our clients can be viewed on


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Arab Advisors Group’s Arabic name is مجموعة المرشدين العرب

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Arab Advisors Group provides reliable research, analysis and forecasts of Arab communications, media and technology markets.

The services cover nineteen countries in the Arab World: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania.

For more information, please contact Arab Advisors Group offices.

Source: Arab Advisors Group press release