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Chairman of China Mobile Yang Jie attended 2023 Mobile World Congress (MWC) and gave a keynote speech via "Digital-intelligent Self"

On February 27, 2023 Mobile World Congress (MWC) was held in Barcelona, Spain. Chairman of China Mobile Yang Jie attended the conference and gave a keynote speech via "Digital-intelligent self".

"Digital-intelligent self" was created by China Mobile using face modeling, expression transfer, speech synthesis and other technologies. It can simulate human appearance and behavior, and even realize "digital reproduction" of thoughts in the future. It was the first time chairman of China Mobile Yang Jie appeared at a major event with this image.

Mr. Yang Jie stressed that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the invention of mobile phones. Over the past five decades, the ICT industry has achieved rapid growth while making historic contributions to the development of human society. Looking ahead, under the ever-faster digital transformation of the economy and society, more extensive growth opportunities are underway for the ICT industry.

Firstly, the integrated innovation of information and energy has become the main driver of human civilization advancement. Now as information deeply integrates into the whole process of energy conversion and usage, the fusion of “Watts×Bits” has been triggered. And our human society is ushering into a brand new era led by information, and characterized by the integrated development of information and energy. This inspires us to further broaden our horizon, follow the integrated innovation of information and technology as a pattern of our times, explore the value and responsibility of our industry, and work together to play a bigger role in the development of human society.

Secondly, the integrated innovation of the next-gen information technologies has profound influences on the trajectory of industry development. The next-gen information technologies are shifting as a chain with multiple breakthroughs in a mutually reinforcing manner. The application of data sensing, transmission, storage and computing through the whole process requires higher level of integration and systemic innovation of next-gen information technologies, which makes it difficult for conventional communications technology to address complex issues at scale by itself. This compels us to further broaden technology roadmaps by enhancing coordination and joint development of CT, IT and DT in their theories, standards and architecture, in order to enable organic integration of next-gen technologies on AI, Block chain, Cloud, Big Data, Network, Edge computing, Terminals, Security (i.e. ABCDNETS), and further unleash the potential of information.​

Thirdly, the integrated innovation of information service system and the social system incubates extensive blue-ocean opportunities. The accelerated integration of next-gen information technologies into the whole process and all aspects of the economic and social development are driving profound changes in production methods, and the way of living and social governance. It also makes the new type of information services system of “Connectivity + Computing Force + Capability” a common demand of the whole society in technology and application innovation. This requires us to further broaden the scope of services by shifting the focus from meeting conventional communications demands to leading and creating demands for information services in areas including production, living and governance, strengthening deep cooperation and joint innovation with various industries, and cultivating new industries, business formats and models such as the industrial Internet, Metaverse, and smart cities.

Source: Press Release