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Grupo ICE achieve gigabit speeds during 5G trials in Costa Rica

Costa Rican operator Grupo ICE revealed it has successfully achieved gigabit speeds during a 5G trial.

The state-owned company carried out proof of concept (PoC) testing in partnership with the University of Costa Rica at the latter’s Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio campus.

And according to the company, it was able to reach speeds greater than 1Gbps.

“We are institutions committed to technology and education. With this test, we continue to make progress so that Costa Rica has 5G technology in the short term,” explained Luis Diego Abarca, ICE telecommunications manager.

Grupo noted that it conducted the trials on January 26 to commemorate 30 years since the country's first Internet connection, on January 26, 1993.

In November of last year, Grupo received a $300 million line of credit from EXIM Bank, the official export credit agency of the US federal government, for the development of 5G services.

Grupo's mobile division Kolbi has yet to launch 5G services in the country, with services not expected to launch until next year at the earliest.
