The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) has conducted a benchmarking study on the prices for retail telecom services in the State of Qatar compared to the averages in the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to monitor the state of the telecom market in Qatar.
The study is based on the Arab Regulators Network of Telecommunications (AREGNET) study and the 5 OECD price baskets: fixed voice, fixed broadband, mobile voice and data, mobile broadband, and leased lines.
The study's main findings are that prices for telecom services in Qatar are typically below or on par with the GCC average, while typically above the OECD average.
Also, it shows that since 2017, prices for fixed broadband and mobile voice and data services in Qatar have decreased, while prices for fixed voice, mobile broadband, and leased lines services have largely remained static.
To develop the necessary regulatory instruments, CRA ensures conducting studies and monitoring the state of the telecom market in Qatar in comparison with similar markets at the regional and international levels. This supports CRA to effectively regulate the telecom sector towards its development for the benefit of both the service providers and telecom consumers.
The Telecom Price Baskets Benchmarking Study for Qatar, GCC, and OECD Averages is available via this link: