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Plymouth now has CityFibre selling via TalkTalk available

Another of the 285 areas across the UK where CityFibre is building has surfaced and we've found addresses where the public can order and should get connected by a retailer within a week or two.

Plymouth and more specifically the Mainstone area of the city is where we have spotted the roll-out and the anchor retailer is TalkTalk, though no doubt over the coming months more retailers will start selling over the wholesale network as it expands.

For those with subscriptions to our availability API we have updated it to include the Plymouth roll-out and version 2.57 has introduced a new CityFibre retailer in the form of toob since we can see that they are retailing across the CityFibre network in Portsmouth. We have looked to see if CityFibre is available in Southampton but the agreement between the two network operators based on the checks we've made so far has not got CityFibre wholesaling the toob native network - most likely the announcement of the agreement has been made before all the wholesale infrastructure and retail agreements are in place.
