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Over half of Pakistanis believe mobile technology improved their careers

Nearly 54 percent of Pakistanis believe mobile devices and mobile technology have significantly improved their careers and aided in developing their skills, with women reporting that mobile devices have improved their quality of life, according to a study conducted by Telenor Asia.

The study looked at how respondents across Asia are using their mobiles to adapt to changing realities as new work cultures emerge post-pandemic. It's the second instalment of the Digital Lives Decoded series launched in conjunction with Telenor Asia's 25th anniversary.

The report was surveyed by over 8,000 mobile internet users across eight countries in South and Southeast Asia. The countries include Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

It highlighted how the workplace has evolved in the past three years on an increasing influence of mobile devices in our daily life. Today's workplace is characterised by processes enabled by mobile technology, and hybrid working practices bring increased flexibility to business and the lives of professionals.

"Our research points to mobile connectivity as an enabler of productivity, progress, flexibility, and economic opportunity. Yet, we continue to see gaps in how this technology is used between urban and rural populations, large companies and SMEs, between industries and even between C-suite executives and their junior counterparts,” said Jørgen Rostrup, head of Telenor Asia.

According to Rostrup, people remain highly concerned about their skills and ability to keep pace with advancing technology.

“The aspect of trust is also preventing people from realising their full potential through mobile use in the world of work. As time spent working online increases, our survey findings can help identify the right tools and knowledge to close these gaps and improve digital work lives,” he added.

Speaking about the importance of understanding today's changing workplace, Irfan Wahab Khan, chief executive officer at Telenor Pakistan said, “This is a defining moment for businesses as companies around the world are adapting to new and affective ways of work. In addition, mobile technology has unlocked new revenue streams and empowered individuals in new ways; and the Pakistani workforce, including freelancers, entrepreneurs, and tech enthusiasts to understand and utilise the opportunities surrounding mobile connectivity."

Performance and productivity

According to the study, eight out of ten respondents felt their performance and productivity had increased due to mobile technologies, with more than half believing personal productivity had increased by 20 percent or more. Gen Z (born between 1997-2012) is most likely to recognise the importance of digital tools, devices, and connectivity in significantly improving performance and quality of work, as per the survey’s findings.

Career outlook

Regarding career trajectory, nine out of ten respondents thought their careers and skills had also been enhanced using mobile technologies. Respondents in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand, and Malaysia are most likely to have experienced the career-enhancing effects of a mobile device, reflecting the desire many in Asia have for learning on the go.

In Pakistan, 63 percent believe mobile devices significantly improve career and skills development. Mobile is now also seen as a way of generating income. Nearly half of the people surveyed feel mobile devices have provided work and income opportunities that were unavailable before the pandemic. In Pakistan, 38 percent of the respondents believe mobile devices have created new opportunities, the study showed.

Quality of life

As per the survey, mobile technology has not just boosted income-generating opportunities; it has had a positive impact on quality of life generally. Nearly half of the respondents felt that using a mobile device for work significantly improved their quality of life. In Pakistan, 46 percent of the respondents believe mobile technology has dramatically improved their quality of life. Women believe their mobile devices provide them with greater access to work and income opportunities. In Pakistan, the number stands at 44 percent, as compared to 33 percent of men.

Privacy and security

The greatest concerns for respondents across the board were privacy and security, the study said. A slightly higher proportion of city dwellers (60 percent) view privacy and security to be a barrier as compared to those living in villages and rural areas (56 percent). In Pakistan, 53 percent of respondents have put privacy and security as main concerns when working remotely. Trust, and related issues of privacy and security are other pain points organisations need to work on, according to the study.
