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Croatian regulator invites applications for spectrum sale

Croatia’s Regulatory Agency for Network Operations (Hrvatska regulatorna agencija za mrezne djelatnosti, HAKOM) has invited applications for its multi-band spectrum auction which is scheduled to begin on 16 January. The sale includes 60MHz in the 800MHz band, 70MHz at 900MHz, 150MHz at 1800MHz, 120MHz in the 2100MHz range and 140MHz in the 2.6GHz band. Licences will be valid for 15 years, with an optional five-year extension, and can be used for 2G, 3G, 4G or 5G networks. Applications will be accepted between 17 October and 4 November.

There will also be up to 80MHz available in the 3.5GHz band for regional (county level) operations, though this will be allocated via a separate auction process.
