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Omantel’s Generation Z Training Program: An Asset for Graduates

The Generation Z training program offered by Omantel provides fresh graduates in Oman the opportunity to have the perfect start to their career. This program gives graduates the opportunity to gain practical insight into the operations of the company through various rotations, projects, and mentorships.

For the first and second batches of Generation Z program, the one-year program has been a life-changing experience for many graduates, including those who were able to find jobs after completing the program. In addition to chances of employment, members of the program gained the opportunity to manage real-life projects and were able to handle increased responsibilities entrusted to them.

Graduates enrolled in this program can perform a number of tasks that would place them in the shoes of actual employees. These trainees were given tasks, such as designing cables and revising the coordinates of 4G and 5G towers, which are all relevant to the tasks performed by regular employees. Additionally, this program trains trainees to develop critical and practical skills.

Mohammed Al Yaqoubi, a former first batch Generation Z trainee and current employee in the Consumer Customer Care Department at Omantel, stated, “This program helped me improve my communication skills, personal skills, and critical thinking skills. Through the Generation Z program, I was able to learn how top officials handle meetings and a lot of other things related to the business.”

Moreover, this program signifies the importance of delegating work to trainees, which not only shows the trust placed on them by mentors and supervisors but also makes them understand the concept of responsibility in the workplace.

“This training helped us realize that there is empowerment at every level of work. Through the training, we were required to handle meetings on our own in front of superiors. We were also given a chance to be part of meetings with new vendors as well as attend the signing of new contracts,” al Yaqoubi added

Members of the Generation Z program could also connect with other members from different departments. These graduates, who come from various universities, could learn from each other while working on projects. In addition, they are able to take advantage of the contacts they make through the program which would eventually help them in the future, even after being employed or whenever they require assistance.

“This program helped me connect with others in a professional manner, making it a win-win situation for everyone. The training program was created in such a way that trainees would have rotations within different units and get exposed to various tasks. Not only was that helpful technically; it also helped build a network of connections that can greatly benefit trainees," said Abdullah Amer Al Fadhil, part of the second batch Generation Z program in the Technology Unit.

Speaking with current Generation Z members, they also expressed the difference they sensed with being a college student and being a trainee at a company. They now carry with them a huge sense of responsibility as they represent Omantel in the work they carry out. Along with that, they explained how they have become more disciplined as they are required to give a lot of attention to their tasks to be able to follow up with it with their supervisors in their weekly meetings. Consequently, this shows these trainees the next step they can take with their projects which in most cases in college, stops after you click submit.

Noor Al Shukairi, a second batch Generation Z trainee in the Technology Unit at Omantel, described the personal growth she has experienced since starting the program.

“One of the biggest changes that I have noticed in myself is that currently I am a much better programmer than when I first graduated,” said Noor.

“My sense of confidence and leadership have been enhanced then when I used to lead projects in college. I think maybe because within the program they gave us the permission to go ahead and ask whoever we want about whatever,” she added.

Omantel’s Generation Z training program works to challenge trainees and equip them for real-life experiences in their respective fields. This prepares a generation that has skilled and talented individuals who will take Oman to greater heights.

Source: Press Release