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stc Bahrain becomes first telecom in MENA region to launch Chainlink node

Manama-Bahrain, March 2022: stc Bahrain, a world-class digital enabler, has announced the launch of its official Chainlink node by which will provide smart contracts with access to a secure source of real-world data and secure off-chain computations. The first major telecom in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to launch a Chainlink node, stc Bahrain is accelerating the development of the smart contract ecosystem both in the region and across the globe.

stc Bahrain plans to enhance the digital economy by providing high-quality data and highly reliable decentralized services to smart contracts through its Chainlink node. The node will not only support Chainlink Price Feeds—decentralized oracle networks that supply highly accurate financial market data to Decentralized Finance (DeFi)—but it will decentralize the delivery of data on-chain helping spur the ecosystem growth as more economic activity and value begins to migrate to blockchain networks.

Commenting on the launch, Saad Odeh, Chief Wholesale Officer of stc Bahrain said: “We’re excited to launch an official Chainlink node and bring high-quality financial market data to the rapidly growing DeFi economy and smart contract ecosystem as a whole.”

He continued: “Our extensive experience in providing high-uptime telecom infrastructure for the Middle East region will help ensure the highest reliability for our Chainlink node deployment. This further showcases our commitment to advancing of the digital economy by acting as key enablers for technologies of the future such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and advanced cloud infrastructures. We look forward to contributing to the growth of Chainlink as the industry-leading oracle network and the adoption of smart contract-based applications across the global economy.”

“With accelerating demand for validated data to enhance smart contract applications, there is a growing opportunity for leading infrastructure providers like stc Bahrain to provide their services to various smart contracts,” stated Sergey Nazarov, Co-founder of Chainlink. “Through the deployment of its own Chainlink node, stc Bahrain is supporting the smart contract economy by not only delivering critical data inputs but also positioning itself to provide a wide range of off-chain computations that are critical to smart contracts.”

stc Bahrain is focused on supporting digital transformation by being at the forefront of innovation and investing in new technologies. Today, stc Bahrain is paving the way for the enablement of highly advanced solution and supporting the growing Web3 ecosystem by providing access to the external resources needed to help support the onboarding of the next billion developers and users.


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About stc Bahrain

stc Bahrain, a subsidiary of stc Group, is the fastest-growing, most innovative telecommunication operator in Bahrain. Since its inception in 2010, stc Bahrain revolutionized the telecommunications industry in the Kingdom of Bahrain and quickly became a market leader, a position that it kept to this day through investing in next-generation technologies and introducing innovative solutions to the people of Bahrain. In 2018, stc Bahrain disrupted fintech with its stc pay ecosystem of services.

stc Bahrain made many local, regional and global breakthroughs, earning it over 30 awards in just eleven years for being the best, widest and fastest network that connects people with an empowering host of products and services. Its persistent dedication to innovation has positioned it as a driving force in delivering telecommunication, digital and mobile financial services for everyday customers, homes and businesses. Together with a broad spectrum of benefits and customizable offerings that provide utmost control and flexibility in a world of evolving digital needs, stc Bahrain today has not only become the preferred Telecommunications network in Bahrain, but also the most forward-looking fearless disruptor in Telecommunication and Fintech.

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About Chainlink

Chainlink is the industry standard for building, accessing, and selling oracle services needed to power hybrid smart contracts on any blockchain. Chainlink oracle networks provide smart contracts with a way to reliably connect to any external API and leverage secure off-chain computations for enabling feature-rich applications. Chainlink currently secures tens of billions of dollars across DeFi, insurance, gaming, and other major industries, and offers global enterprises and leading data providers a universal gateway to all blockchains.

Learn more about Chainlink by visiting or reading the developer documentation at To discuss an integration, reach out to an expert.

Source: stc press release