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Croatia's HT expands free Wi-Fi internet in more locations

Croatian telecommunications company Hrvatski Telekom (HT) has implemented free WiFi internet in the Town of Obrovac and the municipalities of Konavle and Perusic, which provides access to the internet in public locations for citizens and visitors.

Hrvatski Telekom is actively working on the digitalization of Croatia through investments in the development of optical infrastructure, providing access to quality internet in urban and rural areas, and the implementation of WiFi access points said an official communication from the Zagreb Stock Exchange-listed company.

"Hrvatski Telekom is actively working on the digitalization of Croatia through investments in the development of optical infrastructure, providing access to quality internet in urban and rural areas, and the implementation of WiFi access points," it said.

As part of the European Commission's WiFi4EU initiative, the town of Obrovac and the municipalities of Konavle and Perušić were awarded vouchers of EUR 15,000, it added.

Obrovac covered the area of Obala hrvatskog casnika Senada Zupana and Ivana Brlić Mažuranić streets with a WiFi signal. In the Municipality of Perusic, several internal and external access points have been set up to enable free connection to the WiFi network. WiFi covers all public areas in the Municipality, including the areas of Dom kulture (Community House), the Municipal building, Hrvatski seljacki dom, the old post office building, and the park in the town's center.

"As the largest private investor in the digitalization of Croatia, HT continuously invests in the quality and development of mobile and fixed network infrastructure," the release claimed.
