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Indosat Ooredoo prepares 44-petabyte capacity

Indosat Oordeoo, a telecommunications provider in Indonesia, prepares a network capacity of 44 PB per day to meet the needs of the community’s digital activity which is predicted to increase during Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holidays.

Based on the trend analysis conducted, Indosat Ooredoo predicts a 20-25% increase in data traffic compared to regular days, with the highest growth expected to occur in the Bodetabek, West Java, Central Java, East Java, and North Sulawesi.

The network capacity prepared is 44 PB (Petabytes) per day, more than enough to serve peak data traffic with the expansion of video-based platforms. Entering the beginning of the 2021 NARU holiday period, Indosat Ooredoo has already recorded a 10% increase in data traffic nationwide, said a press release.

Director and Chief Operating Officer of Indosat Ooredoo, Vikram Sinha, said, "Indosat Ooredoo is ready to accompany customers to fill their year-end holidays with a reliable and optimal network that complements several digital initiatives that have been launched. We hope that the Indonesian people can spend their holiday with family and loved ones doing positive things and maintaining their health during the COVID-19 pandemic that is still hitting Indonesia. Recently we have also launched 5G services in our fifth city this year, which signifies that we are ready to support Indonesia's digital transformation."

Several network quality improvement activities are carried out to ensure customers enjoy the best digital experience supported by more than 70 thousand video-grade 4G BTS, the release said.

Indosat Ooredoo activates a centralized physical Command Center during Christmas and New Year celebrations to monitor network availability and quality 24/7 supported by an AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning) and Automation-based Network Operation Center, it added.
