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SES to launch HD+ IP streaming service in Germany

Luxembourgish satellite and terrestrial telecommunications network provider SES is launching a new streaming service for the German market.

HD+ IP provides subscribers with access to 50 HD channels and libraries directly over the internet without the need for satellite, cable or DVB-T2 TV connections. HD+ IP comes with popular features like an interactive TV guide and instant restart of live TV.

SES said that the product, which will launch in December, will add an additional 20 million German households to its addressable market. The service will be downloadable or come pre-installed on a variety of smart TVs with Panasonic as an initial launch partner. (Panasonic was also the first launch partner to integrate HD+ into its TV sets in 2019.)

HD+ subscribers will be offered HD+ IP for free for a month, after which point they can choose between a €6 per month subscription or a 12 month extension for €75.

Norbert Hölzle, the Senior Vice President Commercial leading DACH by SES and additionally Managing Director of HD+, said: “The launch of HD+ IP is the beginning of a new era for HD+ as it gives viewers the choice in how they want to watch TV. HD+ IP is especially important in terms of expanding our base of potential customers to practically every household given the reach of high-quality internet connections across the country. This is also a milestone for our trading partners as the marketing of HD+ has never been this easy and attractive before.”
