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stc launches breast cancer prevention awareness campaign

Kuwait Telecommunications Company – stc, a world-class digital leader providing innovative services and platforms to customers, enabling the digital transformation in Kuwait, announced the launch of its breast cancer awareness campaign, in line with the internationally recognized awareness month, with several events held throughout the month of October. The campaign consists of both internal and external activities organized by stc in collaboration with various entities and participants aimed at practicing early detection methods and ways to possibly prevent breast cancer.

The initiative launched by stc titled “stay informed, Stay healthy” falls under the umbrella of “Because We Care”, and coincides with the international breast cancer awareness month, which aims at raising awareness on the various dangers of cancer, especially breast cancer. The campaign also falls in line with one of the key pillars under stc’s extensive corporate social responsibility framework, health, while providing the Kuwaiti society with valuable information on ways to reduce the likeliness of contracting the disease.

The activities organized by stc’s Corporate Communications team, led by specialist Hadeel Al Abdullah, included an awareness campaign launched across the Company’s social media channels. As part of the campaign, stc collaborated with Tabeeby App to produce and post several awareness videos, in addition to organizing a screening test at the Company’s headquarters in Olympia, and arranging fitness activities.

stc also collaborated with Alia International Hospital through an interactive social post to provide free breast cancer screening tests as a complimentary service that was announced on the Company’s Instagram page. Additionally, customers visiting stc’s main branches throughout Kuwait received giveaways as part of the awareness campaign.

In terms of the initiatives under stc’s internal campaign, the Company organized an event for female employees at REBEL Gym, the first smart kickboxing gym, with the aim of shedding light on the importance of practicing regular fitness activities to reduce the risk of contracting breast cancer. Another fitness activity that focused on walking will also be organized for female employees, reflecting the values stc stands by when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle that can help prevent the formulation of diseases.

As part of its collaboration with Alia International Hospital, stc provided its female employees with the opportunity to learn more about self-examination techniques to detect breast cancer. The sessions were held at a dedicated booth at stc’s headquarters in support of the initiative. Other than the self-exams and check-ups, female stc employees received a 50% discount on early detection tests and free giveaways for visiting the booth.

Additionally, stc launched an awareness campaign providing valuable information on breast cancer through the Company’s dedicated public and staff Instagram accounts, which is scheduled to resume throughout the month of October. Educational videos produced in collaboration with Tabeeby App were posted on the account to support the cause.

On this occasion, Danah AlJasem, General Manager of Corporate Communications at stc, praised the continuous efforts of stc’s team in showcasing the Company’s eagerness and dedication in raising awareness on health risks that may affect members of the Kuwaiti society. AlJasem extended her gratitude and appreciation to all those who participated in this campaign, including the management teams of Alia International Hospital, REBEL Gym and Tabeeby App for their role in making this initiative a success.

AlJasem said, “Stemming from stc’s CSR framework and our active role in supporting the Kuwaiti society, we organized a series of initiatives under this campaign that involved our customers, employees, and the public. Each activity aimed at spreading awareness on the importance of maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. This campaign builds on the various activities launched by stc since the beginning of the year, which includes our initiative with the Kuwait Blood Bank which kicked off on the World Blood Donor Day.”

She added, “On top of the goals associated with raising awareness on this matter, the Company strives to organize such events that enhance its role in supporting the healthcare field, in addition to other fields such as education and the environment through various contributions.”

AlJasem concluded that stc will spare no effort in continuing its various health and awareness campaigns by collaborating with institutions that help spread awareness on causes that benefit the Kuwaiti society. It is also worth mentioning that this initiative come as an additional step under the annual “#Because We Care” campaign, which focuses on raising awareness on various causes, organizing fitness activities, and hosting informative lectures.

To find out more about stc’s sponsorships, promotions, and events, follow stc’s official social media platforms, visit one of stc’s branches, download mystc mobile application, visit or contact the customer service center by dialing 102 for around the clock assistance.

Source: stc Press Release