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Epic launches project to pave way for 5G roll-out

Telecommunications company Epic has announced the launch of a €40 million project that its says will pave the way for the roll-out of 5G in Malta.

It said it had signed a long-term partnership with Ericsson to provide the superfast fifth generation mobile internet service.

The mobile modernisation project aims to "make a quantum leap" forward in its network, its CEO Tamas Banyai said.

“Our modernisation project is going to bring wider coverage and faster speeds and is also going to make 5G available to our customers," the company said.

When pressed for details of the €40 million investment, a company spokesperson said that the company would be investing in "network infrastructure and system upgrades."

Epic recently announced a partnership with Phoenix Tower International to help it accelerate investment plans in its network and digital services. The full mobile radio network modernisation project with Ericcson is an integral part of this strategic plan, the company said.

It said the investment reaffirmed its commitment to playing a key role in the development and upgrade of Malta’s infrastructure that will "reshape people’s digital experience" and accelerate economic growth by providing new business opportunities for innovation and productivity.
