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SCPT and LMS deploying fiber connections throughout DRC

The DRC’s state-owned provider SCPT (Societe Congolaise des Postes et Telecommunications) has signed a US$35 million infrastructure modernisation agreement with LMS Holding.

Local news outlet reported that the agreement consists of three phases, with the first primarily focused on fibre backbone. This will include the deployment of a 3000km fibre link between Muanda and Sakania via Kasumbalesa and Kinshasa.

CommsUpdate reports that LMS will extend SCPT’s current backbone network from Bukayu to Kasindi, taking in the towns of Beni, Butembo and Goma. The firm will also roll out international fibre connections to Rwanda and Uganda.

The second phase of the deal will see LMS upgrade SCPT’s Muanda landing station with 100Gbps capacity, while the third phase will involve deploying fibre access networks across several of the DRC’s largest cities, including Beni, Bukaya, Butembo, Goma and Kasindi.
