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Naukanet expand fiber optic link in Moscow

Russian provider of telecommunication services Nauka-Svyaz, working under the Naukanet brand in the city and region of Moscow, has deployed its fiber-optic (FOCL) networks for several Moscow objects belong to the Academy of Water Transport.

FOCL enters the main administrative building (metro Tulskaya, Novodanilovskaya embankment, building 2, building 1), as well as educational buildings on Sudostroitelnaya street. Central communication centers are connected to the highway.

In addition, the campus network (a university campus, which consists of educational and other buildings) has been modernized, new optical lines have been laid, radio channels have been replaced, new equipment for uninterrupted power supply has been installed.

According to a report in Russia's telecom daily, academy sites, including five educational buildings, occupy a total area of ​​about 61 thousand square meters.

The report quoted the commercial director of Nauka-Svyaz, Alexander Zinko as saying: “Our company has significant experience in the construction and modernization of IT cable infrastructure for educational institutions. The modern educational process is impossible without high-speed communication channels. In this case, we have organized all the conditions for the operation of the backbone and campus data transmission network. ”
