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Omantel carrying forward ITU’s vision

Omantel joined on May 17 over 900 ITU members in celebrating the International Telecommunication Union’s ‘World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD)’, observed annually to mark the Union’s founding and the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention in 1865.

The past year sets the tone for deciding the 2021 WTISD theme – “Accelerating Digital Transformation in Challenging Times” as the COVID-19 crisis highlighted the critical role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for the continued functioning of societies.

Omantel has been an active member of the ITU, exchanging and sharing industry best practices and experiences with global powerhouses in the field of telecommunications to build on its presence, service delivery and solutions suites.

Like all reputed ITU members, it has shaped the future of ICT using frontier technologies like 5G, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, multimedia, smart cities, and much more.
Omantel plays a significant role in Oman’s battle against the pandemic on all fronts, throwing wide-open doors of possibilities through its ICT offerings to all sectors, from education and healthcare to large enterprises and SMEs.

The 2021 WTISD and its theme resonate deeply with Omantel as the company has demonstrated resilience, technical capability, business acumen and its humane side in the face of challenging times.

The ITU states that digital transformation is a means to deliver an efficient, accountable, transparent, and auditable way to the benefit of everyone. This does not only implies applying and/or updating the technology people use but creating a culture that embraces new digital technologies that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of people in their daily life and business.

As a leading ITU member, Omantel has exemplified these through its offerings in ordinary and challenging times as has been a proactive party to the Union’s shared global vision.

Speaking on the WTISD and its 2021 theme, Talal Said Al Mamari, Chief Executive of Omantel, said, “Omantel’s actions not just are linked to Oman’s overall growth, also to the ITU global vision and working towards objectives of the UN Decade of Action to achieve the United Nations’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Omantel shares a common strategy with ITU members is the Connect 2030 Agenda for Global Telecommunication/ICT Development. The ITU WTISD thus is not just a day to be observed, but a larger goal to which several goals and targets are interlinked, and which forms the basis of the telecom provider’s overall socio-economic and environmental responsibility.”

The five goals are Growth, Inclusiveness, Sustainability, Innovation and Partnership. The targets therein, particularly 1.4, 1.7, 3.1, 3.5, 4.1 and 5.1, contribute to digital transformation in the framework of the Connect 2030 Agenda. Omantel’s has driven itself closer to these targets and thereby the goals.

This is reflected in every strategic and innovation step Omantel takes towards digital transformation, powered by the government’s dedication to providing services and solutions delivered in a coordinated, efficient and equitable manner. Omantel has, as the ITUprofesses, continued to leverage telecommunications/ICTs by developing digital policies and strategies to adapt and respond timely and effectively to different challenges that may occur.

Relying on its high ability to manage its digital services and monitor data centres, and its regional and global partnerships with top companies in cybersecurity, Omantel has boosted cybersecurity and lowered potential attacks. These efforts and more have been recognised by the GSMA, which called Omantel a case study on combatting cybersecurity and electronic piracy.

The company’s national emergency telecommunication preparedness action plan has ensured uninterrupted services even in the toughest of situations in the past, and currently in the face of the pandemic.

Omantel has always collaborated with the best in the industry for its growth and also with inspirers in academia, youths, business and governance to offer tech-based support as well as funding that will result in a digitally-driven and knowledge-based society that optimally harnesses the power of ICT and creates opportunities for accelerated growth. It has been empowering students, corporates, SMEs by sharing its skill and resources.
Omantel has been enhancing cooperation between governments, business communities, UN bodies, civil society and other stakeholders in these challenging times.

Overall, Omantel’s goals are in sync with those of ITU. It has been capitalising on every opportunity the Fourth Industrial Revolution and facing every challenge while ensuring a smooth digital transformation with minimal disruption. As an enabler, Oman has the means to achieve Oman’s digital dream with vital elements like skill, infrastructure and market leadership to aid this task. Thus, with pride, Omantel wears the title of an innovative enabler, a strategic leader in ICT.

Source: Omantel Press Release