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Mobile operators agree to cut data costs

The Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) has released a statement saying that following complaints from consumers, it has engaged with the country’s mobile operators with a view to lowering the cost of data services.

In August 2020 operators including Airtel Malawi and Telekom Networks Malawi (TNM) reduced their pre-paid or ‘out of bundle’ rates from an average of MWK20 (USD0.02) to MWK5 per MB following intervention from the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology. Since then, the MACRA says it has been engaging with operators to further revise the standard volume bundles offered to consumers to align to the cost of providing services in the country. As such, cellcos have agreed to reduce the price of 1GB data bundles by 30%, while the cost of tariffs up to 4GB will be lowered by between 10% and 31%. The price changes became effective on 22 April. The MACRA concluded that it ‘is committed to ensuring that services delivered are affordable and of good quality.’
