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Nokia, Claro Chile deploy private 4G for OT use cases

Nokia this week announced it is partnering with Claro Chile to equip the new Gold Fields Salares Norte mine with a high-performance private wireless network.

The solution will support the automation of mining operations by using different applications, such as remote-controlled trucks, excavators, drills and, in the future, drones.

Being deployed is a private LTE/4.9G solution, including AirScale radio, small cells, packet core, IP routers and NetAct network management system. In total, the network will connect 150 sensors for operational processes, monitoring and accident prevention in addition to 72 connected vehicles and machines. Nokia and Claro will also provide professional services such as network design, testing and deployment. With this infrastructure, the network will enable critical voice, data, internet and video communications to improve employee safety, as well as operational efficiency and productivity.

Mining operations require highly-reliable networks that can cover large outdoor sites or deep underground corridors. Industrial-grade private wireless solutions offer robust, secure and predictable wireless coverage for OT use cases’ critical connectivity. They also enable an evolution of new services in mining, with a trustworthy, high-capacity, low-latency and multi-services network that enables connectivity for several thousands of workers, machines, sensors and applications.

Francisco Guzmán, Director of Claro empresas
Today, business optimization is key for companies. This is why we work hard to develop solutions to strengthen their technological development and to promote automated processes, making them safer and more efficient.

Fernando Sosa, Head of Market Unit Southern Cone, Nokia
By working with Claro Chile to create such an automated ecosystem for Gold Fields, we are opening new opportunities for enterprises and other asset-intensive industries, such as energy and rail, throughout Chile.
