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Orange Jordan introduces the “Innovation Space” project

Orange Jordan and the European Union (EU) held a media roundtable via ZOOM, in line with COVID measures, to discuss their joint project, the Innovation Space, a 3-year program co-funded by the EU's "Innovation for Enterprise Growth and Jobs" program "Innovate Jordan".

The project received a €7.3 million grant from the EU to create a space that promotes innovation and digital economy in the kingdom.

"Innovation Space is an exciting project, where the European Union partners with Orange telecommunications company to promote digital culture and digital skills, especially among women and youth, and nurture digital entrepreneurship for digital economic growth," EU Ambassador to Jordan, H.E. Maria Hadjitheodosiou said.

"Jordan has the human capital to take advantage of the digital transformation and become a competitor in the global digital economy. We hope that this project will contribute to creating jobs, both directly and indirectly, as well as innovation," the ambassador added.

CEO of Orange Jordan, Thierry Marigny, said that the Innovation Space is the result of a great strategic partnership, as both Orange Jordan and the EU share a vision of supporting entrepreneurship and innovative ventures by providing beneficiaries with essentials to turn their dreams into actual projects.

Speaking of the project's objectives, Marigny noted that the company will be establishing a space for promoting innovation and digital economy, as the current network of Orange Digital Centers will expand to reach 29 new locations across the Kingdom.

He said that over three years, the Innovation Space will be an ideal destination for talented women and youth to showcase their innovative ideas and projects, while they receive the accredited programs at the digital centers, adding that entrepreneurs' skills will be developed through market networking and startup growth accelerators.

Marigny noted that the project falls in line with Orange Jordan's corporate social responsibility which focuses on three main pillars: digital inclusion, digital education, and entrepreneurship, noting that the EU grant will maximize the number of beneficiaries, which will lead to increased digital inclusion, employability and overall digital contribution to the national economy across Jordan.

Marigny also highlighted the importance of the partnership of Orange Jordan and the EU as a reflection of the leading role and support of the company in local communities, noting that the company provided startups with opportunities to attract investors and expand.

The European Union funded "Innovation Space" is a pioneering initiative in Jordan and a one-stop-shop for digital innovation and entrepreneurial support. It will introduce digital culture to the wider Jordanian public, foster digital skills, especially among women and youth, and promote and nurture entrepreneurship by identifying key opportunities for digital economic growth.
