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stc partners with “Extreme Sports” to support “Friday Ride”

Kuwait Telecommunications Company – stc, a world-class digital leader providing innovative services and platforms to customers, enabling the digital transformation in Kuwait, announced its partnership with local bicycle supplier, “Extreme Sports”, to support a series of events organized for cyclist enthusiasts labeled “Friday Ride” as part of its 2021 strategy to back various sporting initiatives.

stc’s participation in the initiative, in collaboration with Extreme Sports, aims to ensure the safety of participating cyclists competing in a race across Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah Causeway. The objective of this collaboration is to maintain safety protocols and implement precautionary measures, all while raising awareness on the importance of physical health, increased endurance, and body awareness.

Through its role, stc provided a number of unique services to cyclists, as well as arranged activities at its dedicated wing at the event. Company representatives Ahmed AlNowaibet and Ahmed Al-Shayji from the Corporate Communications team at stc attended and managed the initiatives, while providing assistance and support to the cyclists at the venue.

In this regard, stc indicated that upon its participation, it was keen to implement and ensure that the appropriate guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health regarding social distancing were met to the highest degree. A practice that stc enforces within its headquarters, across its branches, and at any external initiatives it participates in to avoid the spread of infection.

Commenting on the thrilling event, Danah AlJasem, General Manager of Corporate Communications at stc, said, “When it comes to physical health and body awareness, we find these attributes to be essential in sustaining a well-balanced lifestyle. By participating in these events, we aim to encourage the younger generation to develop a more active lifestyle, experience healthy competition, improve their teamwork skills, and challenge their mental and physical abilities to overcome obstacles. We believe such characteristics are important components of stc’s corporate social responsibility strategy.”

AlJasem added, “On this occasion, I would like to express stc’s gratitude and appreciation to the organizers and participants, especially Extreme Sports, for the successful turnout. We promise to continue upholding our commitment to support and play a contributing role in similar engaging initiatives that encourage sustainable healthy living and physical activity. For stc strives to become a source of inspiration to the younger generation, encouraging them to adopt a healthier lifestyle that can pave the way for a brighter future ahead.”

AlJasem pointed out that this partnership is part of a series of initiatives stc has participated in since launching its new corporate brand early 2020, marking it a more distinctive moment for the Company. She also emphasized that stc is looking forward to the upcoming events under the Friday Ride initiative as it aims to offer the cyclists unique services in each event as a source of motivation.

To find out more about stc’s sponsorships, promotions, and events, follow stc’s official social media platforms, visit one of stc’s branches, download mystc mobile application, visit or contact the customer service center by dialing 102 for around the clock assistance.

Source: stc Press Release