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Drapp expanding its Telehealth Solution to Egypt

Drapp announced its participation to Techne Summit Alexandria 2020, from November 7th to 9th. This first involvement in a technology event, in Egypt, is another move towards expanding Drapp Telehealth solution to the MENA region.

This attendance comes in parallel with other major initiatives towards introducing Drapp to the Egyptian and Middle Eastern doctors & patients.

  • Appointment of Levels Ventures as the Strategic Advisors for Drapp to help in accelerating its growth in Egypt, Middle East and Asia Pacific. Levels Ventures, a global consultancy firm with strong knowledge of Egypt tech and VCs ecosystem.
  • Appointment of Rasha Shiha as VP of Communications. Being Egyptian national with great local network and a background in communications art from the Lebanese American University will greatly add to Drapp acceleration. Rasha will be leading the engagement and communication to media and the ecosystem in Egypt and the region.
  • Establishment of Drapp Egypt as a local subsidiary to serve the local market.
  • Growing significantly the network of verified Egyptian doctors & healthcare professionals.

“Egypt, Umm e Donia, the mother of life, is the natural hub for growth in Middle East and Africa for Telemedicine in order to help patients save time, distance and money ”, mentioned Hady Bsat, Founder & CEO of Drapp, closing his remarks with “ Great thanks to Mr. Adly Thoma , the executive chairman of Gemini Enterprise Africa, the Innovation arm of Orascom Holding for giving us the opportunity to be present at Techne Summit, a strong kickoff for Drapp Egypt after the great success and growth in the Lebanese market with a reach to patients from more than 25 countries globally using Drapp on daily bases to connect with their chosen doctors.
