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edotco deploys Bangladesh’s first hybrid solar-wind tower in Hatiya

Integrated telecom infrastructure services company edotco Bangladesh has built a 75-metre hybrid solar-wind tower in Hatiya, a remote cyclone-prone island located to the north of the Bay of Bengal, where no commercial power connection is available.

The tower consists of an in-built green hybrid energy solution with a capacity to produce 42 kilowatts per day from 12-kilowatt solar panels and 6 kilowatt per day from 4-kilowatt wind turbines mounted on the tower to ensure round-the-clock power supply, keeping the telecom system operating throughout the year.

The renewable energy solution not only helps decrease operating expenses by reducing diesel consumption and maintenance costs, but also reduces carbon emissions by up to 80 per cent, the company said in a statement.

"As a socially responsible company, edotco implements initiatives in communities across the nation irrespective of their location or economic condition," said Ricky Steyn, country managing director of edotco Bangladesh.

"Solutions like these allow us to bring connectivity to underprivileged communities who desperately need it for social empowerment. Aware of the community's needs, we aim to deliver solutions that are sustainable and can help improve the quality of livelihoods."

This renewable energy solution is the first of its kind in Bangladesh, specially built to address connectivity needs in areas where the national electricity grid is unavailable, according to the statement.

This initiative is a part of edotco's continuous efforts to ensure seamless connectivity throughout the nation by using alternative energy solutions to power telecom towers through the deployment of innovative, sustainable and energy-efficient solutions.

The hybrid system has vertical axis wind turbines to take wind from 360 degrees and it is scalable to user defined energy needs, the company said.

The environment-friendly system is equipped with the facility to operate silently is also easy to assemble and maintain and requires minimal maintenance support, according to the statement.

The wind tower is established not only in line with the company's commitment to champion sustainable energy but also in support of the nation's vision to ensure that seamless connectivity is available both in urban and rural communities, Steyn said.

"We understand how connecting rural communities is integral in meeting the country's digital vision and are committed to being nation building partners.

"We are committed to reducing our impact on the environment and building sustainable infrastructure that is efficient and environmentally-friendly," said Ir Kumari Nalini, edotco Group's director of engineering and technology.

"Wherever possible, our towers use the national grid as the main energy source but for countries where this is a challenge, renewable energy is a viable solution and we work with various stakeholders within each of our footprint countries to make this option available."

A similar solution was deployed in four sites across Myanmar last year, Nalini said.

The engineering teams worked together to adopt the learnings from Myanmar and bring a better, improved solution to the site in Hatiya, she added.

"Bangladesh has been home to a few firsts for edotco over the years, and we look forward to bringing and creating more innovations for and by the people."

Established in 2012, edotco Group is the first regional and integrated telecommunications infrastructure service company in Asia, providing end-to-end solutions in the tower services sector from tower leasing, co-locations, build-to-suit, energy, transmission and operations and maintenance.

The group operates and manages a regional portfolio of over 31,820 towers across scores of markets in Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Laos, Philippines and Pakistan with 20,230 towers being directly operated by edotco.

In Bangladesh, edotco currently owns and operates over 10,000 telecom towers.
