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Saudi German Hospital gets digital transformation

The Dubai healthcare provider is collaborating with Automation Anywhere, a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) firm, to digitise its end-to-end business operations and help improve patient care.

Automation Anywhere’s collaboration will facilitate streamlined patient on-boarding, insurance billings, office management operations and other financial processes – RPA implementations that will reduce patient waiting times and experiences.

"The addition of newest automation capabilities will allow Saudi German Hospital (SGH) to add value and support caregivers in the treatment process by providing deeper insights on the patient's specific condition, lifestyle and patient behaviour in real time," Dr Reem Osman, Group CEO of Saudi German Hospitals UAE, said. "The cognitive and AI technology infusion will empower our Intelligent Patient Platform to expand competencies and deliver better outcomes."

What’s more, the collaboration has also allowed Automation Anywhere and Advansys ESC to identify automation opportunities in SGH’s insurance and finance departments that typically handle high-volume manual processes, such as insurance eligibility, insurance pre-authorisation and patient enrollment.

"Intelligent automation empowers healthcare organisations to perform more time-consuming, manual tasks, freeing up staff to treat an increased number of patients by improving hospital efficiencies," Automation Anywhere’s Executive Vice-President, IMEA, Milan Sheth said. "Medical systems impacted by the global pandemic are seeing how automation technology can have a huge impact on a patient's progress by implementing bots for processes, such as simplifying patient appointment scheduling, streamlining account settlements and managing healthcare workflows. All of this time saved can go right back into patient care."

Combining automation with traditional patient care practices is a great way to enhance operations, especially at a time when convenience and remote access to care is valued very highly. And as the healthcare industry is likely to soon see a surge in medical appointments that had been postponed or cancelled during the Covid-19 pandemic, SGH’s automated insurance eligibility, pre-authorisation and patient enrollment process will no doubt play a crucial role in the smooth return of these insureds.
