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Nepal Telecom to provide WiFi in the Ward Offices Countrywide

Nepal Telecom (NT), the government-owned telecommunications service provider, will soon be providing WiFi service in the ward offices. The target of NT is to furnish all the ward offices of the 77 districts with the WiFi facility.

Nepal Telecom will be integrating a particular device that connects to the BTS tower wirelessly in the ward so that the service user can use both telephone service and WiFi service simultaneously. The equipment provided by NT will have a separate port for the telephone to use for regular calls. We suppose the phone be based on VoLTE service, which is about to launch by Nepal Telecom. In simple words, it is a landline phone-centric WiFi service.

The device will come with a SIM card, which will have a longer digits number than the regular SIM numbers. As known, the telephone number will begin from the code of the district. For example, if you are a user of Dhading, the SIM number will start from 010.

Ntc has some new plans to replace the fixed CDMA phones and the ineffective WiMAX service in the case of remote areas. Recently, Nepal Telecom stopped the WiMAX service in Nepal after eight years due to many complications, including the interference from Jio. The villagers will have to be deprived of the WiFi facility for a while since this facility will be available to the ward office immediately and not to the public due to limited resources.

The bandwidth for the 4G towers cannot cater to the traffic demand if they allow the service to the public. The public subscription will have a massive impact on the 4G towers and create a bandwidth crunch for mobile users. To avoid the load and making mobile broadband expensive, they have a current plan only for the ward offices.

It seems Nepal Telecom’s focus is more on quality than on the accessibility. Though the WiFi facility implementation is costly in remote areas, NT will be focusing on reducing the cost as much as possible. Creating more spectrum bandwidth to use for 4G may serve the total demand in the future. So, Nepal Telecom may replace the WiMAX service with the latest 4G technology in the same spectrum band of WiMAX.
