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Local full fiber broadband provider to expand services

Full fibre broadband is key to unlocking the full potential of the digital revolution, in particular in regional and rural communities. It is often referred to as the key infrastructure for the 21st century much in the way it was railways in the 19th century and electricity in the 20th.

To date most consumers have received their broadband through networks that were originally designed to carry phone or TV traffic whereas Full Fibre networks are designed exclusively to carry broadband. They can be seen as “mains” broadband. As yet no major region of Western Europe has achieved full fibre penetration and by doing so Northern Ireland will put itself in a strong position to sustain a transformation in the local economy.

Having already invested and completed full fibre networks in various towns in South Down, Fibrus is ahead of schedule on its earlier promise to build full fibre broadband in over 100 towns across NI. The plan is based on a detailed analysis undertaken by the company of existing and planned full fibre networks across the Northern Ireland.

Conal Henry Founder and Chair said: “Northern Ireland customers have already spent over £2 billion on Broadband, but up until recently it seemed that only 60% of NI homes would get full fibre. Now, with Fibrus’ investment in regional towns and timely interventions by the NI Executive in areas that are not commercially viable coverage is expected to grow to 88%. Today we are committing to ensure the remaining 12% gap will get filled buy 2025.

“The truth is that relying on a copper company to build our full fibre future is akin to waiting on the canal companies to build the railways. Only proper platform competition can stimulate investment and Fibrus are here in NI to deliver exactly that.”

The status quo (phone and cable) networks have, to date, only committed to connect 61% of NI homes between them and they have largely contained themselves to Belfast and 10 other large towns

It is projected that recent investments by Fibrus and the expected impact of state supported projects in areas that wouldn’t otherwise be commercially viable will increase this coverage to 88%.

Fibrus now wants to ensure the last remaining gap gets filled, to achieve ubiquitous Fibre coverage of 100%. The company has commenced a detailed planning and design exercise for each of these homes and is confident that, with continued regulatory and investment supports, these homes can and will be connected. The net result being that all homes in NI can look forward, with confidence, to a full fibre future by 2025.
