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T-Mobile fiber to connect 25,000 Loosduinen homes

T-Mobile Netherlands has begun preparation work on its latest cooperation with Primevest Capital Partners and VolkerWessels Telecom to connect 25,000 households to a new gigabit fibre access network in the residential area of Loosduinen in The Hague, with construction to start in August. The rollout is planned for areas where there is currently no fibre-optics, while half the targeted properties are rental homes. T-Mobile will also open the new network to its competitors.

The latest project is under T-Mobile’s strategy to connect at least 100,000 households to fibre-optics this year, while it aims to provide fibre services to hundreds of thousands of addresses over the coming years. The T-Mobile/Primevest partnership has already installed a fibre network covering 32,000 premises in The Hague’s Segbroek neighbourhood.
