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China Unicom entering superfast satellite communications service

China Unicom, one of China's leading telecom operators, has entered the satellite internet business to provide superfast internet access, remote-sensing data services and emergency response solutions via satellite.

UnicomAirNet, a mixed-ownership satellite telecommunications company in which China Unicom has a stake, held road shows demonstrating the company's services to potential customers from governmental and corporate sectors from April 27 to 30, industry portal reported on Wednesday.

UnicomAirNet could provide internet access, video and audio connections, data transmission and long-range monitoring services to land, sea and air-based customers.

Customers could include shipping vessels at sea, remote islands, offshore oil rigs, drones, emergency response vehicles, passenger planes and forest fire departments.

The company also runs a mapping service using satellite data for airport operators.

The National Development and Reform Commission, China's top economic planning agency, recently included satellite internet under the country's new infrastructure build-up project.
