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Special Internet rates proposal approved in Bahrain during Covid-19

An urgent proposal to introduce special Internet rates in light of the Covid-19 crisis was approved by Parliament.

MPs want the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) to make all telecom providers set special rates as people continue to work from home.

In another proposal also approved unanimously, MPs also want the government, through the TRA, to develop a smartphone app to determine usage.

It also calls for special mobile phone packages to be introduced due to heavy usage.

The proposal is amongst eight Covid-related motions approved unanimously and referred to the Cabinet.

“The threshold is reached within the first day of the month because all work, studies and other arrangements are done online,” said Ebrahim Al Nefaei during Parliament’s weekly session.

“Instead of BD20, bills mount to BD80 a month and if not paid then the line is disconnected.

“People, Bahrainis and expats alike, are under financial pressure already and this is further punishment.”

Parliament foreign affairs, defence and national security committee chairman Mohammed Al Sissi said mobile phones have now become integral part of communication as well as home Internet.

MP also approved a proposal to let Tamkeen extend by two weeks its deadline for small and medium companies to register for financial support, while also expanding the beneficiaries’ list.

Parliament also voted to have taxi drivers and driving instructors who own commercial registrations or receive pensions, currently excluded under the Cabinet decision to receive three-month wage support, to be eligible for payments.

A proposal to have the government exempt businesses from the Commercial Registration fees and postpone fines on violators for three months was also approved.

MPs also voted to deport undocumented migrant workers, based on claims that around 61,000 illegal expats were “more dangerous” than the legal expat workforce when it comes to the spread of Covid-19.

“There are 61,000 illegal workers and runaways who are more dangerous and could be positive and are not being reached,” said Mohammed Buhamood.

“There has to be a move to locate and deport them.”

MPs also voted on an urgent proposal and referred it to the Cabinet to have families waiting for three decades to get homes in Nabih Saleh as those eligible to get social housing in the new nearby East Sitra Town, which will see work start shortly.

Parliament voted on urgent proposals to issue two statements on International Labour Day, which falls on Friday, and International Press Day which falls on Sunday, and deputised Parliament chairwoman Fouzia Zainal to write them up and issue them.
