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Arthur D. Little takes a look at how leading businesses are navigating through the COVID-19 crisis

At Arthur D. Little we want to play our part in helping the world through the COVID-19 crisis. We felt the best way to do this was to facilitate sharing of knowledge and insight across the business leaders in our network, especially those from critical infrastructure sectors, such as telecoms, utilities and transport, and in countries/regions furthest into the crisis, such as Hong Kong, Italy and Singapore. In this special report, we share insight “hot off the press” from 25 CEOs and business leaders, collected via a series of virtual best practice-sharing meetings. CEOs have shared with us frank and candid feedback on how their companies have gone about steering the response, safeguarding employees and customers, maintaining business continuity, engaging with stakeholders, and planning for recovery. We think all business leaders should listen to what they have to say.

Although most of us are still in the depths of the crisis and there is much uncertainty, we know that at some point it will end. Defeating the virus will require an unprecedented degree of global solidarity and universally shared dedication to pursuing the greater good at the expense of the comfort and convenience of the individual. If we succeed, the best-possible legacy of COVID-19 will be a new spirit of collaboration, connectedness and community that will benefit society, business and the economy alike

To have a look at the detailed learnings visit us on this link
