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El Salvador will follow AWS spectrum auction with 1900MHz band sale

El Salvador’s Electricity and Telecommunications Superintendency (Superintendencia General de Electricidad y Telecom, SIGET) has announced it will hold an auction of 20MHz of mobile spectrum in the 1900MHz (PCS) band. Divided into two lots of 2×5MHz, the frequencies on offer include 10MHz in the 1850MHz-1855MHz/1930MHz-1935MHz range and a further 10MHz in the 1855MHz-1860MHz/1935MHz-1940MHz band. Each block of 2×5MHz has a reserve price of USD6.25 million. The regulator has invited interested parties to submit applications by the end of 4 December, with the auction set to take place on 12 December.

As previously reported by CommsUpdate, earlier this month SIGET also announced it will auction off 120MHz of 1700MHz/2100MHz (AWS and Extended AWS) band spectrum in early December. Divided into twelve lots of 2×5MHz, the frequencies on offer include 90MHz in the 1710MHz-1755MHz/2110MHz-2155MHz (AWS) range and a further 30MHz in the 1755MHz-1770MHz/2155MHz-2170MHz (Extended AWS) band.
