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DICT seeks to activate satellite slots

The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) is seeking to utilize two sovereign satellite slots for surveillance and increased connectivity.

In his speech, titled “Innovative Philippines: Transforming Barriers to Productivity, Transparency and Inclusive Growth Information” in Makati City, Information Secretary Gregorio Honasan 2nd said the government must also bank on the unused broadband satellite slots allotted for the Philippines to improve network connectivity.

“Ultimately, to ensure that gaps in network will be addressed and nobody will be left behind… a sovereign broadband satellite… something we have not used for several administrations, is proposed to connect communities in hard-to-reach islands and inaccessible mountainous areas…” he said.

Honasan, who is a former senator, told reporters the DICT was asking for a budget from the government to activate the two slots maintained by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

He, however, refused to disclose the proposed amount for the project.

The DICT chief noted if the DICT secured an investment, the country might expect the satellites to be operational in three years.

The utilization of these satellite slots will be in line of President Rodrigo Duterte’s mandate to have emergency communication systems, he added.

Honasan said once the satellites were up and running, they would serve as backups if inland network infrastructure failed to provide connection.|

“All of these will work synergistically to make internet connectivity accessible, affordable and faster to help provide quality public service to people and uplift the standards of living …” Honasan said.
