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Mobile subscribers grow significantly in Nepal

Nepali Telecom operators added a significant mobile subscribers in the last FY 2075/76, with Ntc adding the highest number of new subscribers. According to the NTA report, a total no of 30 lakhs (3 million) mobile subscribers was added in the last FY. Whereas the Ashad end last year showed the no of mobile subscribers to be 3 crores 75 lakhs (37.5 million). The total number of mobile users in Ashad 2076 reached 4 crores and 6 lakhs (40.6 million).

As two of the telecom operators report were not included in the latest NTA report, we have omitted their subscriber number as a whole. Those two telecom operators are UTL and Nepal Satellite whose mobile network are not operational. Recently Supreme Court has also approved the NTA’s decision to scrap the Nepal Satellite Mobile License.

The total telecom subscribers base in Nepal at the end of Ashad 2076 reached 4 crore and 13 lakhs (41.3 million) now. That means only 7 to 8 lakhs users are non-mobile which includes PSTN, WLL, VSAT and GMPCS. While no of mobile users went up, the fixed-line telephone like the PSTN and WLL services were found to decline. It is only due to people’s preference for mobile instead of Landline phones.

Nepal Telecom led the mobile subscriber rise with the addition of 27 lakhs (2.7 million) new customers in the last Fiscal year. Ncell followed Ntc growth with the addition of 1 lakh and 23 thousand (0.1 million) customers only. Similarly, Smart Telecom saw an addition of 2 lakh customers (0.2 million) in that period.

Among the six telecom operators, only three have significant market share. While UTL, Nepal Satellite Telecom, and CG Telecom are there for namesake only. After the scrapping of the mobile license of Nepal Satellite Telecom (Hello Mobile), the total number of telecom operator will be only 5.

The total teledensity shoots up from 133.83% to 140.25% in that period, of course, the major contributor being GSM mobile technology/service.

Regarding the broadband penetration, it went up from 51.1 % to 65.87 %, in which mobile broadband contributes around 85% of the total broadband users.
