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Nepal Telecom starts the installation work of 4G LTE towers

Nepal Telecom has started the installation work of 4G LTE towers across the country. After the completion of the tower survey and the arrival of equipment from China, they begin establishing base stations for 4G LTE service.

Although being the first one to launch 4G in Nepal (Jan 1, 2017), Ntc couldn’t expand its 4G network to other places beyond Kathmandu and Pokhara. It is due to scrutiny of the graft body CIAA and the 4G project deal taking long to culminate.

Back in Feb 2019, Nepal Telecom has made a deal worth of Rs 18 billion for the whole 4G LTE project, to provide large scale 4G service across the country. They have three different projects under the complete 4G LTE project which are Core, Network 1 and Network 2. Chinese Vendor ZTE provides the Core equipment whereas both the Network 1 &2 are provided by CCSI, Hong Kong.

As known, the installation of the core equipment is already completed with tests underway. To provide 4G service commercially, Ntc needs to install the hardware equipment, perform multiple tests before assuring good performance. Same is the case for the radio network, which takes more effort for operation, testing and tuning.

Above map of Nepal shows the region how the two networks are being separated geographically. They are now installing base stations in both of the network.

According to an NTC Engineer, who posted picture and details of 4G installation to begin at Panauti. He also writes that the 4G network will be ready for commercial on air after a few weeks.

Similarly works in major areas of the country are ongoing. As per the target of Ntc, they will operate 4G in major areas within Ashoj, 2076.
