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UAE IT firms back public cloud for future tech

More than three-quarters (76 percent) of UAE IT decision-makers agree that the public cloud is “important” for integrating future technology to transform citizen and customer experiences, said market research company YouGov.

As part of their digital transformation, UAE organizations are investing in future technology. For example, MicroMarket Monitor says the UAE’s Internet of Things market will top $35 billion by 2019. Artificial intelligence could boost the country’s GDP by $96 billion by 2030, according to a recent report by PwC.

Integrating all of these future technology solutions together on one digital platform can deliver a major business benefit, said global technology company SAP.

“Over three-quarters of UAE IT decision-makers agreeing on the importance of the public cloud in integrating future technology shows how artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things can drive economic growth, boost competitiveness, and transform daily lives,” said Zakaria Haltout, managing director, SAP UAE.

“Already we’re working closely with UAE public sector organizations – such as Expo 2020 Dubai and the Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi – to deliver real-time and secure government services, predict resident needs, and support urban innovations.”

Supporting the UAE’s digital transformation, SAP is the first multi-national business applications company to go live and onboard customers on to a public cloud data center in the UAE. This public cloud data center is the foundation of SAP’s ongoing 5-year $200 million investment plan for the UAE.

“The UAE has seen a wide range of individual pilot projects and proofs of concept for artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things,” added Haltout. “The next step will move beyond technology for technology’s sake and identify how these future technology solutions can meet business needs – reducing traffic, enabling real-time utilities, and having secure digital real estate contracts.”
