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ARKEP publishes consultation on licence renewal

Kosovo’s Regulatory Authority for Post and Electronic Communications (Autoriteti Rregullator i Komunikimeve Elektronike dhe Postare, ARKEP) has opened a public consultation on plans to renew the 900MHz and 1800MHz spectrum licences of Kosovo Telecom – which offers mobile services under the ‘Vala’ banner – and Slovenian-owned full-service provider IPKO.

Both telcos have frequency rights due to expire next month, with another batch expiring in March 2022. The regulator has proposed a one-off fee for the renewal of the airwaves for 15 years, outlining the pricing methodology and justification in the document. The duo may request a renewal period anywhere in the region of ten to 20 years but are encouraged to harmonise their licences to expire at the same time. Similarly, the operators may opt not to renew the full amount that they currently hold. ARKEP notes that it will not impose additional coverage obligations but will require that the cellcos do not reduce their network footprint or degrade service quality. The regulator added that it would also consider adjusting the current spectrum allotments, if requested.

Stakeholders have until 22 June to submit their suggests, comments and remarks on the proposal.
