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5G to bring digital revolution in Bangladesh

The quality of telecom services will change thoroughly after 5G services are launched, said post, telecommunications and information and communication technology (ICT) minister Mostafa Jabbar. 5G will be a big advancement for Bangladesh as it will bring about a digital revolution, he said. The government will launch 5G services in line with advanced countries. “Bangladesh has moved up in the Digital Bangladesh Index. Last year, we successfully completed the 5G test,” he added. The 5G internet services will be introduced in Bangladesh in between 2021 to 2023, Jabbar said The Independent.

5G networks have arrived and this next generation of wireless is being powered by a new technology known as millimetre wave (mmWave). According to GSMA, mmWave 5G will not only provide consumers ultra-fast mobile broadband services, including immersive entertainment, but will also stimulate a host of applications that will enable citizens and businesses to do tomorrow what they cannot do today. These innovations include enhanced remote healthcare and education, industrial automation, virtual and augmented reality and many others.

In healthcare, improved telemedicine, including tactile internet capabilities, better preventive medicine that uses always-on remote sensors and wearables, and remote surgery and ‘smart’ instruments will be made possible because of the speed and latency capabilities enabled by the mmWave spectrum.

Next-generation robots, remote object manipulation (controlling machines with precision at distances), drones and other real-time control applications in digitised industrial centres are expected to increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve safety as well as lead to innovations in products and processes.

In autonomous transport, mmWave 5G will enable driverless vehicles to continuously communicate with each other, the cloud and the physical environment to create highly efficient public transport networks. These and many other innovative use cases are expected to deliver 25 per cent of the overall value created by 5G in the future.

The early lead already being established in 5G in the Asia Pacific and Americas regions are expected to generate the greatest share of GDP attributed to mmWave 5G, at USD 212 billion and USD 190 billion respectively. Europe is forecast to have the highest percentage of GDP growth attributable to mmWave of any region, with 2.9 per cent, GSMA said.

However, the advantages are not restricted to early-adopting mobile markets and, as the rest of the world deploys 5G in subsequent years, economies of scale derived from spectrum harmonisation will stimulate even faster growth. Regions such as sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean could see growth in GDP contributions from mmWave 5G applications of over 65 per cent per year from 2026 to 2034.

“It is critical for governments to recognise the importance of the mmWave aspects of 5G when making decisions at the upcoming WRC-19. Making the right decisions now on spectrum will be vital to stimulating the rapid growth of economies, especially in developing markets, in the coming decade,” added the GSMA’s Brett Tarnutzer. “mmWave spectrum has the capacity to support the innovative services expected from the highest performance of 5G, and only the mobile ecosystem has the technical expertise and track record in collaboration to deliver them at a price acceptable to consumers and businesses around the world.”

New mmWave bands for mobile are being discussed at WRC-19, and the GSMA recommends supporting the 26 GHz, 40 GHz and 66–71 GHz bands for mobile. Global harmonisation of these bands at WRC-19 will create the greatest economies of scale and make broadband more affordable across the world. Outside the WRC-19 process, 28 GHz is also emerging as an important mmWave band for realising the ultra-high-speed vision for 5G. Commercial services using this band have already been launched in the US and it will also be used for mmWave 5G in countries such as South Korea, Japan, India and Canada.
