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Telstra expands IoT network and debuts narrowband

Telstra has rolled out its latest innovation, ‘narrowband’ technology, claimed to offer Australian residents and businesses better connection with the Internet of Things (IoT).

Its latest innovation enables millions of devices to transmit small volumes of data with lower power.

Narrowband can be used to connect several devices to the internet – from irrigation systems to residential pool filters.

The new technology will be available in all major Australian cities and major regional hubs.

Telstra claims the technology will be popular in the industries of; mining, manufacturing, agriculture, transport and logistics.

The telco’s current IoT technology, Cat M1, was introduced in 2017 and spans three million square metres. It is reportedly better suited to monitoring vehicle performance and other aspects, given faster speeds.

Telstra Chief Operations Officer Robyn Denholm affirms:

“We already offer our customers Australia’s largest and fastest mobile network and with our IoT network now we have added the ability to support millions of new devices like sensors, trackers and alarms operating at very low data rates that can sit inside machines and vehicles, reach deep inside buildings and have a battery life of years rather than hours and days”.

As announced at CES in Las Vegas, Denholm revealed that the telco was also considering Telstra-branded products which can be connected to the IoT. However, the telco does not plan to limit the tech its own branded devices.

At current, Australian households incorporate an average of 14 connected devices, which is expected to double in the next five years.

The new narrowband technology is part of the ‘Telstra’s Networks for the Future’ $3 billion initiative, as it prepared for 5G IoT expansion.

The evolution of telecommunications companies into smart device providers is a notable topic in recent times. Telstra’s Smart Home platforms reportedly boasts 2 million connected IoT devices e.g. lights, cameras and motion sensors.
