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Internet speeds to boost in Arizona's schools

Students in Arizona's poorest and most rural schools could soon get a huge boost in internet speeds, all on the government's dime.

Arizona is one of 18 states to qualify for government funding for schools to improve internet infrastructure. The federal government will contribute about $100 million to the program, and Gov. Doug Ducey and the Legislature last session agreed to invest $11 million.

“Too many students, specifically in our rural areas, and in our tribal nations are missing out. It’s 2017, but outside of our urban areas, broadband is still spotty," Ducey said in his 2017 State of the State address when he proposed the funding. "Let’s fix this by connecting these rural schools to high-speed internet. This session, let’s break the firewall and get these kids connected.”

Since July, more than 100 schools have signed up with the Arizona Department of Education to participate. Department of Education spokesman Stefan Swiat estimated another 137 district schools and 200 charter schools likely qualify.

Many schools today use technology and internet to great effect for daily classroom activities, tests and communication. Those slow, outdated capabilities struggle to offer that experience to their students.
