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DentaCare offers rewards for maintaining dental care

Dentacare Mobile App (Android Beta release) is the brand new mobile app that rewards people for establishing healthy dental care habits! Yes, you read it right. By maintaining proper dental care and adhering to all recommendations within the app, users receive incentives in the form of Dentacoin tokens.

Dentacare is the second developed tool, serving the mission of Dentacoin, after the successfully launched Trusted Review Platform (

The Dentacare Mobile app aims to form long-lasting dental care habits through an intensive 3-month program in an engaging gamified environment. Through reminders, notifications, voice navigation, music accompaniment and tutorials, users are supported on the road to improving their dental hygiene and thus, form healthy habits. According to the Australian Dental Association, it is known that more than 90% of all dental problems nowadays can be prevented through regular check-ups, proper oral care and adequate nutrition.

The basic initial program of DentaCare mobile app lasts for 3 months, as it is considered that this is the time slot needed for a certain activity to be permanently integrated into the daily routine of an individual and become a habit. Only after maintaining a proper routine for a 3-month period, users will be rewarded with Dentacoin tokens, which they can later use for paying for dental services, dental care products, Dentacoin Assurance, or they can store them or trade on exchange platforms and thus, benefit from the expected value multiplication.

“Call it what you will, incentives are what get people to work harder.”

The reward system, inherent in each tool, is an important characteristic of the Dentacoin network. It serves as an initial trigger or motivation for participation in the network. The Dentacoin utility token plays a leading role here as it powers the whole Dentacoin network. It is used for rewarding network participants for their contribution to the foundation’s mission; it is utilized as a united means of payment and ensures access to services provided within and across the network. To only have one currency within the network is also important because it creates value circulation through many ways of earning and spending Dentacoin and in the long term, gains value through a strong network effect, meaning that the value of the whole network increases with every new participant added to it.

Through Dentacare app, both adults and children will be motivated to improve not only their dental health, but also their overall health. A fact often ignored is that dental health is directly related to the overall health condition of a person. “Dental health is not something “good to have”, yet not as important as another part of the body. Coming from the field of dentistry, we have seen first-hand how poor dental health could lead to an overall low quality of life. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system, the nerve system form only a fraction of all problems linked to poor dental health. Thus, it is of the utmost importance for each individual to maintain high dental hygiene standards. People should be educated about the importance of proper dental care as a preventive measure and then they should be motivated to adhere to the recommendations and form healthy habits. Here gamification and reward systems are the “keywords” to achieving the needed level of dental health awareness,” comments Dr. Dimo Daskalov, leading dentist and educator in Prosthetic Dentistry.
