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Turkcell plans to offer technological infrastructure for indigenous car

One of the five companies taking part in the production of Turkey's first domestically manufactured automobile, wireless carrier giant Turkcell plans to design its software and hardware.

Turkcell Board Chair Ahmet Akça highlighted that the company has been working on the project's technological infrastructure for five months since President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan first brought up the issue at the General Assembly of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey in May.

The Turkcell chair said that the demand came to the company in consideration of its technological infrastructure and stressed its willingness and pride to be a part of Turkey's first indigenous automobile.

When asked how Turkcell will contribute, Akça said, "What we call the automobile of the future must run in smart cities. Turkcell will build the software and the hardware for Turkey's automobile. So, Turkcell's contribution to the project is very important."

Drawing attention to Turkcell's worldwide success in technology, he noted that the company established the world's most powerful 4.5G infrastructure in Turkey and said that it is making 5G preparations, which will become operational within the next couple of years.

"Briefly, we have launched the development operations for high-technology systems to support Turkey's automobile project," he said.

Turkcell is also experienced in connected car platforms, which it provided for selected Volvo and Subaru models. The company expects to transfer this experience to the domestic car, according to an article by Daily Sabah columnist Timur Sırt. The company's priorities are to be connected car entertainment services.

In 2014, Turkcell launched a connected car platform for Subaru and Volvo, which offered an infotainment screen that works online. The driver can connect to vital information and entertainment in three categories: Navigation, Internet and Roadside Assistance.

Through this menu, the Turkcell Connected Car platform allows the driver to track traffic in real time and optimize the route; locate and get directions to parking lots, pharmacies and gas stations; get real time financial updates; and locate nearby ATMs of partnering banks.

The Garanti Bank of Turkey is the first partner of the platform, share the car's own location information with friends, colleagues and roadside assistance as well as connect to social media networking and enjoy music.

Turkcell and Chinese smartphone manufacturer Huawei develops 5G technology and concentrates on domestic production and mutual research and development activities.

Both companies, which have been working together for two years on 4.5G and 5G technologies, signed a deal during President Erdoğan's recent official visit to China for the Belt and Road Forum.

In mid-June, they set a record in the first 5G millimeter-wave band speed test.

President Erdoğan announced Thursday the names of five companies - Anadolu Group, BMC, Kıraça Holding, Turkcell and Zorlu Holding - that will take part in the consortium to produce Turkey's first domestic car.
